Monday 5 December 2011

children's paintings

Oh my god, this is so......

....actually it fills me with hope that even a simple line drawing can be turned into something so awesome just by knowing how to paint/use anatomy etc :D

this is SUCH a good idea! I think more kids should doodle in their artist-parents sketchbooks more often.
designing a V&A exhibition

I know we're only doing a poster and banners, but this was interesting to read. How to design an entire museum exhibition! The teams start with lots of preparatory sketches and design each part of the exhibition, including floor-space, how the public view the pieces, lighting and even how to solve the problems of a video not annoying visitors looking at other works (using a screen and a shelf to re-direct the sound)

One sketch for a floor plan.

"A final point about working with designers is that - as you might expect - they think mainly in visual terms. While my co-curators and I tend to think using titles and verbal description, our designers always have a pen in hand and a sketchbook open in front of them. As we work through ideas, they rapidly draw possible solutions - their craft skill of immediate and evocative draftsmanship is intrinsic to our working relationship."


Lol Sargent, on the right demonstrating how a projected video on the floor would look, by lying his laptop on it's back. He has the best name in the world.